Monday, December 21, 2015

The Love in An Open Sea

"Are you deeply in love with me?"
"Hm yes,"
"It's quite dangerous you know, to fall in love with me,"
"But why?"
"Imagine, right now you are in the middle of the ocean. You're too far from the shore and it's almost impossible to turn back. You're lost in that ocean now,"
"Hm, so what do you suggest? Should i love you less? Clearly I can't do that,"

"Keep lost in that ocean. Because the ocean needs you,"

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

The Drowning Shadows

The feeling was there, all along.
It was kept secret under the rug, so that nobody knows.

But you came, and told me the feeling was mutual.
You felt the same too, way before.
And I believed you.

I let down my guard, and told you stories about stars and rainbows.
You did the same.
And I believed you.

You said you scared of losing me.
You said you love me.
And I believed you.

I let the feeling grew each day.

One day, you left me without notice.
You asked "when will i see your face again?"
But you never come back.

You let my imagination runs wild.
Painted the images of things that we could possibly do together.
But you never come back.

I fell so hard,
I believed you.
But you never come back.

Today, here I am, picking up my self again.
Picking up the pieces of me you left along the way.
And you'll never know.