Hi everyone.
I took this photo from our facebook group page.photo credits to illegale.deviantart, zeroscore.deviantart and romberger via flickr respectively |
Comparative Planning is one of my subjects masa 4th year nnt. I don't really know what is the subject all about, tapi yang I tau, I kena pergi ke luar negara, ya,luar dari Malaysia untuk subject ini. We have to do some research pasal that particular country punya planning, urban design and stuffs, and then compare dgn Malaysia(if i'm not mistaken la) For my batch, our lecturer has decided that we will be going to Egypt (Cairo and Alex) and Turkey (istanbul). Mula-mula mcm tak la excited sangat. tapi haritu dah pergi jumpa travel agent, so terus excitedd! :))
oh kami pergi tahun depan, november insyaAllah.harap2 proposal semua approved.. amin.
so comparative planning subject is like heritage to architecture student la kan? :P
cool! I love Turkey. brpe bajet sorg?
nak ikot!!=p
Radzi: bajet tak confirm lagi, tp haritu secara kasar lecturer aku ckp RM7k sorang. sebab we will be staying dlm 14 hari kot. so kena cari sponsor banyak2 :S
and yess i'm so axcited.
Diana babe: haha lets! i pun tak sabar wehh :)
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