Friday, September 3, 2010

Love from Dunedin

I found a folder in my hard disk named 'Love from Dunedin'. I forgot what's inside, I opened it, but I don't know what did the virus do to that folder and now I don't have permission to open it.

Anyhoots,last Wednesday I went to Williams KJ with Kadu, Hud, and Jepah (oh Jepah is in KL now) ,we had our last buka puasa. Last year's Ramadhan kitorang tak sempat pun nak berbuka sama since semua busy and my second year was disastrous. So yeah, we gerak from UIA around 7pm and gelabah gila takut LDP tgh traffic congestion tapi nasib baik kereta pn dh tak banyak, kami sampai around kul 7.20 dekat KJ. Masa nak cari williams tu agak ngeng jugak la aku lupa jalan, nasib baik Kadu was cool enough, and tiba-tiba azan, and masa tu kitorg dlm kereta lagi tunggu nelza sampai utk lead jalan pegi williams. Nasib baik Hud ada beli coke masa isi minyak earlier, so kitorang berbuka minum coke dulu. Dah sampai tu kitorg terus order, pastu borak sampai la makanan siap. Cepat jugak diorang serve.

It was another great night. :)

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